The English are no different than Americans in their curiosity about twins. Today we visited Chatham (pronounced Chat-'em) and Dickens World, which is a kind of amusement park with a Charles Dickens theme. It was really cool, not a lot of stuff to do, but still cool.
The moment we stepped into the square, one of the staff (dressed in a very Dickensian outfit) came up to us and starting talking to us. I don't remember what she said, but Laura and I answered together. She got such a kick out of that. As we walked away I could hear her telling other members of the staff about "the twins that spoke at the same time."
The English don't scream on roller coaster rides. They had one ride in Dickens World - Great Expectations boat ride, during which, your boat turns around and goes down a waterfall backwards. Well, like good Americans, we screamed on our way down - all in good fun of course. When we got off our boat, one of the staff asked us TWICE if we were ok. Weird. Sometime later, we watched other people on the same ride and they didn't scream.
To cut this story short, by the time we left, the entire staff knew who we were. We jumped rope with some of them and chatted about London. And then we couldn't find the exit. Most exits, as you know, are carefully marked with flashing red lights and such. This had sort of a back door, hidden exit. I think they don't want people to leave.
Alright, you've been promised a London post, so here it is. We had a very quick tour of London via our coach (which caused later problems). They dropped us off at St. Paul's Cathedral (pronounced S'int Pauls) and we climbed to the top of the dome. Pardon my pun, but it doesn't hold a candle to St. Peter's :)
Pretty, but plain. After that, we had free time. The only problem was there isn't anything to see around St. Paul's other than St. Paul's. (ok, so if you want to go to the Tate Modern, you can.) Laura and I wandered around a bit along the Thames and came across this cool alley:
This is London Bridge, by the way.
Not screaming is quite sensible, You can avoid choking on the water.
But what would I know? My experience with roller coasters is very limited (thankfully).
lol the post was pretty funny. me and Teresa sometimes will talk or do things at the same time too.
wow! Awesome post! The Charles Dicken's place looks awesome! Do you have more pictures of it you could post? The museum looks creepy...yet cool!
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