Saturday, September 25, 2010

50th Post

So I thought this deserved a bit of randomness...

- Canterbury has nicer weather than the rest of England
- the Brits do not know how to make really good maps...either that, or their streets are really that bad
- everything here is very laid back and slow...I don't think it will ever be like it is in the states. They told us that Uni doesn't wake up until this past Monday morning. Let me tell you, Uni must still be groggy because certain things need to happen that aren't happening.
- the English are sweet, I mean REALLY sweet. Every Brit we've met so far has been so nice (even when they were drunk). They think that Laura and I are the cutest thing.
- Thou shalt not disrupt the Queue. Seriously. I got nicely admonished for this.
- the English have strong opinions and aren't afraid to tell you when they don't like something. They do it in a nicer way than most Americans.
- Vitamin C is hard to find. Just saying.
- I will never understand English plumbing. It's too simple and yet too complicated.
- Mac 'n Cheese is practically unheard of here. We promised to make some for our British friends.
- I get lost frequently. One time we walked back and forth in front of a street musician so many times it was embarrassing.
- Ketchup is a valuable commodity. Yesterday we got fish and chips and we had to pay extra for a packet of ketchup. Fish and chips requires a lot of ketchup, so I had to go back and forth several times to buy more. They are VERY stingy with it.
- one dryer and at least one washer are broken. It also takes two hours to do a load. AHHHHH! This thoroughly spoiled one afternoon.
- Tea and biscuits are very comforting foods when it does rain.
- I love it here! It's not good or better than home; it's not bad or worse than home; it's just different.

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