So, if you're not a commuter student, you won't get it. When one has to drive over two hours everyday to get to school, it can get pretty boring...if one did not have one's sister and a car full of CD's to listen to.
So, this morning, as usual, we left the house a mite on the late side and were driving along nicely.
(Let me make an aside form my story to categorize a certain type of person)
There are some people on this world who will not drive at a safe distance behind one's car, no matter how annoying slow, or faster, or weird one tries to drive. These people usually drive red cars and seldom stay in the same lane for more than five minutes. They swerve back and forth as if there was a monetary advantage to staying in one lane versus the other (they often remind me of stock brokers and business men hunting for the best deal they can get). Oh, and yes, they frequently attempt to pass in dangerous places. Did I mention that these people are commonly found to be teenage boys?
Anyway, we were about five miles from home when this red car (not surprising) began to cling to the tail of our car like a barnacle. Eventually, they found a place to pass us (there is a very good place, out in the middle of nowhere) and we thought that was that. Well, we get to the first stoplight in our commute and guess what...the speeders are stuck there with us. We laugh and joke about how going seventy in a fifty-five mph zone doesn't gain anything except a speeding ticket.
Once the road widened into two lanes, we expected to lose them. But low and behold, somehow or other, they managed to keep up with us almost all the way to our destination. And, to make matters more interesting, they recognized us. (we could tell because they kept peering out of their window at us as they would pass us, or we would pass them).
In all my time as a commuter, I have never experienced something quite like this. It is really quite rare to follow someone for twenty+ miles.
But it saves so much time!! You get to your particular judgement much faster! ;)
That IS funny! They sure didn't gain anything by speeding. :)
Haha! That is too funny!
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