As Miss Marple was apt to say, "People will remind you of other people."
I find it hard not to agree with her...
Strangers will remind you of your friends--and your friends will remind you of strangers... and everyone will usually do exactly what you expected them to...
This is not to say that everyone is unique and individual.
If you find yourself saying that Jerry reminded you of Tom, or Agnes reminded you of Lucy--remember that God doesn't use a cookie-cutter :) And so, you might find (somewhere out there) a predictable person, doing something completely unexpected...
"Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to
know about them in a month, and yet after a hundred years, they can still
surprise you." — Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien)
I think humans must be like hobbits...
P.S. Mary and I have been watching a bunch of BBC recently, which brings up another topic: can you tell the difference between an American actor with an American accent and a British actor with an American accent?
Does it ever bug you that the British actor with the American accent sounds false, too perfect, or smooth?
Why can't they just use an American actor - who has already perfected his/her American accent!
I met a young man from Britain once, who said Americans sound worse when imitating a British accent than the English do when imitating an American accent...
I'm not sure I agree with that one...
But what do you think?
Really? We do? Hmmm... I'll have to do a British accent and ask my British friends what they think, and then do vise versa.
And I haven't noticed that about British actors with American accents... could you send me a name or two + movie title so I can listen to them?
There's an episode of Jeeves and Wooster where Bertie Wooster is dating an "American." Can't remember which one... Probably the worst fake American accent I've ever heard.
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