Are you out there? Are you perhaps reading this blog (which happens to be in the loneliest corner of cyberspace...)
If so, please comment ;)
If you don't like to comment on simple nothingness, you could always remark about the weather.
P.S. Wouldn't it be ironic if this was the only post that didn't get any comments...
Helloooooooo, Laura!! Gee, was that an echo??
Ya know, the weather is actually rather nice today...
Why isn't Mr. Darcy winning that poll?!
He is clearly the best character there. (even though I don't know 86% of them) :)
Yes, that was definitely an echo :) How was the performance (I'm suspecting that some people just came to see and hear the loverly harpist ;)
Mr. Darcy is there - his full name is Fitzwilliam Darcy (and I do believe that he's at the top of the list - as he should be ;) Yes, indeed, he IS the best character - at least from Pride and Prejudice ;)
I know he's there, I voted for him... I just think he should be winning.
I'm thinking the performances went well...for some reason, yesterday's was more difficult for me than Sunday's... I think it could be because I've been sleep deprived for the past few days... Too much homework and too much practicing!! Harpy is sick of me, btw. Talk to ya soon!!!
Hi Laura!
I just added you to my bloglines (not sure I missed that before), so I will be faithfully following you now. :)
Actually, it wouldn't let me add you to bloglines. :( Is there maybe a setting you could adjust?
HI! Hope you like comments, because I'm giving you one! Your blog looks great! can't wait to read more!
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