Saturday, March 27, 2010

Comments, Anyone?


Are you out there? Are you perhaps reading this blog (which happens to be in the loneliest corner of cyberspace...)

If so, please comment ;)

If you don't like to comment on simple nothingness, you could always remark about the weather.


P.S. Wouldn't it be ironic if this was the only post that didn't get any comments...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feast of the Annunciation/Lord of the Rings

Check it out for some cool Lord of the Rings analogies to Catholicism!



Of Friends and Strangers (and Accents)

As Miss Marple was apt to say, "People will remind you of other people."

I find it hard not to agree with her...

Strangers will remind you of your friends--and your friends will remind you of strangers... and everyone will usually do exactly what you expected them to...

This is not to say that everyone is unique and individual.

If you find yourself saying that Jerry reminded you of Tom, or Agnes reminded you of Lucy--remember that God doesn't use a cookie-cutter :) And so, you might find (somewhere out there) a predictable person, doing something completely unexpected...

"Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to
know about them in a month, and yet after a hundred years, they can still
surprise you." — Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien)

I think humans must be like hobbits...


P.S. Mary and I have been watching a bunch of BBC recently, which brings up another topic: can you tell the difference between an American actor with an American accent and a British actor with an American accent?

Does it ever bug you that the British actor with the American accent sounds false, too perfect, or smooth?

Why can't they just use an American actor - who has already perfected his/her American accent!

I met a young man from Britain once, who said Americans sound worse when imitating a British accent than the English do when imitating an American accent...

I'm not sure I agree with that one...

But what do you think?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So, In Case You Were Wondering...

The title of this blog may seem a little odd to some people. So, here is my explanation.

- The number one reason that this blog has the title it has, it because Laura refused to let me change it to anything else. I tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade her to adopt a catchy phrase or an often quoted line from one of our favorite novels. But, she could not be persuaded, so the name stuck. I don't know, maybe you think that Canterbury Revisited would be a better title? (A take on the title Brideshead Revisited, a new favorite of ours that we read last summer. The only problem with this one is that we are simply visiting Canterbury, not revisiting.)

- This blog actually has a purpose. It is supposed to be a travel blog, but I think we are both getting a little carried away.

- We call it Canterbury Postcard because it is like sending everyone at home a little postcard about all the wonderful things we are doing across the pond. It really should be called Postcard from Canterbury, but as my readers can see, I lost that battle too.

- Why a Postcard? Why not a letter, or a post-it note? Postcards are small, short and sweet. They do not have the space for long epistles about nothingness. They should be to the point. We simply do not have the time to waste writing a book for a few dozen people to read at their leisure.

So, in case you were wondering, that's why.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Music and Mayhem

So yes, I've finally posted something. Although, I have a feeling that I will never "out-post" Laura. Anyway, in honor of the Music and Mayhem Irish night that we attended a few days ago, I found this picture to post. Our harp teacher shared it with us a few months ago, and it's probably the best music joke I've ever seen. If you are not a musician, you can at least appreciate the complexities of music. If you are a musician, you will see why I laughed so hard after scrutinizing it for about twenty minutes.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mostly Irish Night

This whole weekend was packed with activities!

Last night, Mary and I attended a St. Patrick's Day festival! There was tons of music, jokes, dancing and general mirth and merriment. The show featured a couple of my friends, Anne and Mary Hatfield-- two very awesome Irish fiddlers and dancers. Anne is currently touring with Lord of the Dance, and we're all really proud of her!

After eating corned beef and cabbage for the third time this week, I'm feeling very Irish!

On Friday night, I went to go see some of my other friends perform in a Lenten passion play: The Seven Last Words of Christ--which features talented soloists and musicians performing "The Seven Last Words of Christ" by Theodore Dubois, in addition to the live passion play.

It is truly a moving experience!

Have a great Sunday!


P.S. And yes, Mary will be posting something soon... if she can think of something to write about!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


It's probably Jenn's fault that we decided to make pretzels, but they look really good, don't they?

They're actually pretzel twists, but that doesn't detract from the flavor... try 'em warm, straight from the oven - Scrumptious!
P.S. Now that I just made your mouths water, I'd like to point out that pretzels are actually a traditional Lenten food! The traditional pretzel twist (not our lame pretzel-stick cop-out) is in the shape of someone crossing their arms to pray - like you might see in a painting of the Annunciation. But I'm sure you all knew that....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stop beating around the bush...

Photo taken by Laura (Epcot, Disney)

I suppose you're all wondering (if there are any of you reading this at all....) how we decided to go to Canterbury--and all the juicy details!

Well... it's actually rather boring...

Mary and I decided that we were going to study abroad (somehow!) when we first heard about the program during freshmen year. In January, we applied, were accepted (like a bunch of other people) and there... we're off!

Orientation doesn't start until next term, so I don't have anymore interesting tidbits for you... sad but true...


BTW... you'll probably see more posts from me than Mary because I think I've found a new corner of cyberspace that I rather like, namely, blogging!! Blogging is almost more fun than facebook... though, of course, now I can say that because of Lent...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Post

Welcome to our blog!

Here we will post our musing, thoughts, and adventures from across the pond, as well as the days leading up to our eventful departure.

"Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere." - G.K. Chesterton

M and L