Saturday, August 28, 2010

Two weeks...

It's that you each, to shorten the long journey,
Shall tell two tales en route to Canterbury,
And, coming homeward, another two,
Stories of things that happened long ago.
Whoever best acquits himself, and tells
The most amusing and instructive tale,
Shall have a dinner, paid by us all,
Here in this roof, and under this roof-tree,
When we come back again from Canterbury.

--Geoffrey Chaucer, from The Canterbury Tales General Prologue

Just two weeks left until the day of departure...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Skype et al...


Let me preface this post with a disclaimer: we are very excited...and are therefore allowed a small measure of silliness ;)

I set up a skype account on my computer; Mary set up a skype account on her computer; and my dad set up one on the family computer. That's where the problem started. He took the program that he had installed on the family computer, and moved it to his laptop - and created a new account under both his and my mother's name - don't ask me why.

However, he somehow got the program jazzed up when he moved it from computer to laptop - so when someone proceeded to call, the caller could hear everything, but the receiver at my dad's laptop couldn't hear anything!!

The ensuing conversation went something like this:

Caller: "Can you hear me now?"
Receiver: "Is it on yet?
Caller: "Can you hear me now?"
Receiver:"Is it on yet? Wow, that's a cool---"
Caller: "umm... there must be a problem with the speakers."
Caller 2 enters into the conference call.
Caller 2: Will you run downstairs and try to fix it?"
Receiver: "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Needless to say, the problem has been fixed... Now we get to do it all over again with the webcam ;)



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

"There is no lovelier place in the world than Canterbury." --Virginia Woolf

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's getting close. Too close.

Well, we've received half of our class schedules, one day late. You would think that since they told us precisely what date we were to receive our schedules, that they would stick to it. No. Nevertheless (love that word--three for the price of one) we got them the very next day. Our email included the handbooks (syllabi to us American folks) for the two required classes as well as instructions on how different classes and learning will be in the UK. You should see the reading list. Two or three books per week. A few days later I recalled that class takes place only once a week, which made me feel a lot better about it. There is hardly any homework (except these two required ones have more to make the Americans feel more at home). Personally, I would rather have less homework. The only unfortunate thing is that our grades will be based on one paper (or two). In the required classes there are more papers, but nothing like we have at home. We already have the paper topics. For an early bird like me, this is pretty cool.

We are both required to take Modern Britain (which, I suppose, is about Modern Britain) and British History, from the Romans to the Tudors (I am quite interested in their point of view on the Reformation). We could have taken Brit Lit, but I am already taking two other Lit classes, so I didn't want to overload too much. We find out the other half of our class schedule when we get there.

It's getting close. Only a couple more weeks until England! I can hardly wait. It's kind of scary actually, but exciting nonetheless (another cool word).

In preparation for our departure, Laura and I have been going shopping. About every other week. Every time we go, we forget something and have to go back the next week. It's amazing to think of all the things we use on a regular basis (during a three month period).

The day after we got our schedules, we pulled out our suitcases. We didn't start packing, we just pulled them out. (funny story: One of the suitcases that we are going to use was locked. we tried several keys in the house [you know, the ones that you never use so you don't know what lock they belong to] but to no avail. I resorted to picking the lock with a hairpin, the old-fashioned way. Let me just sat that I would make a terrible criminal. After that, my twin accomplice tried. She wasn't much of an accomplice. Somehow or other, we found a key that worked. Amazing.)

(Another funny aside: One of the workers in the cafe where I am typing this, just randomly started singing "Figaro!" from the Barber of Seville. Crazy Americans!)

We should be getting the last (hopefully!) of our papers in the mail next week. Then, the craziness of packing (actually) begins.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

The long wait is over!!

Well... the magic date when we're supposed to find out everything is Monday!!!! I have to say THEY SURE TOOK THEIR SWEET TIME!!!! But I AM rather relieved that they sent us a heads-up email to let us know they haven't forgotten about us :P

Other news:

--We are officially going to go to the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman-I got the receipt in the mail a couple of days ago...

À lundi, mes amis!!
