Saturday, July 24, 2010

BritRail Passes

Well, here's something that's kind of interesting...

Yesterday we got our BritRail passes in the mail--which is not really that interesting all by itself, so let me explain.

The BritRail Passes are our gateway to all of England!! It was after several weeks of deliberations and calculations (at my Dad's insistance) to see if the passes would save us any money. (So you know: it took several weeks to weigh all the options because there are so many!)

BritRail Passes are designed for foreigners traveling in Britain (i.e. us!) Apparently you can't buy them in the UK, which is also why it took several weeks to decide whether to get it or not because we had to make sure that we would use it on worthwhile sidetrips.

The option we chose was England-only (not Scotland, Ireland, or Wales) and 8 flexible days over a two month period, because we're hoping to use the passes for some short week-end trips (that might not actually occur on a weekend :P).

All-in-all we save about $200 for the both of us--which is probably due to the youth discount. In some respects, I almost wish we got the Scotland and Wales trains included--but that was way more expensive, and we might not have time to use it to go see both (though that's probably not true...)

I won't discuss the trip-plans just yet because they aren't finalized--and people keep telling us what we should go see (just the other day someone was telling us to go to see Normandy beach while we're "across the pond"!)



P.S. Thank you Eric and Jenn for continuing to read and comment on this blog... methinks we have lost our audience :P

Monday, July 5, 2010


... you see, this is what happens when a set of England-bound twins get bored :P

Last night, Mary dreamt that she forgot to pack something...

No, we're not excited :P


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!!

...and we're busy enjoying the holiday...whilst (still) waiting for those letters from Canterbury!!!

[an aside: You'd never know how much the British use the word "whilst" until you start reading travel planning websites :) ]
